Saturday 9 August 2008

Homework # 2

I. Which would be more useful to starting your business, a blog or an e-commerce
web site?

Though question again, but as we are talking about starting up a business means we are in the begin phase so I would definitely start with a blog, and maybe later on expand to a professional e-commerce website, and this for the following reasons:

1. With a blog it's much easier to optimize your site for the search engines.

2. Blogs are cheaper to build than static websites.

3. Blogs are much cheaper to start up, even if you can set up a website for free you still need to
a budget to maintain it.

4. Finding articles on a blog is much easier than on a static website

5. A blog is more user-friendly, you just write it and click the publish button! No need to use
editor such as dreamweaver :-p

6. Easy to build traffic and people can subscribe to it and have updates delivered to their mail.

II. How can you generate leads through your blog?

1. By adding a sign up form at the side of your to collect the name and email address by doing
this you collect names and addresses for further follow up and create relationships

2. Offer interesting content that is unique to your readers!

3. Do an email campaign!

4. Visit the following:
Technorati is an RSS directory at its most basic level and undeniably one of the most
powerful sites on the Web for driving targeted traffic back to your blog

Mybloglog is an awesome blog directory that allows you to list your blog and personal
profile, and to build a network of friends, rate other users' blogs, etc. and has all the social
networking sites features.
One benefit of using MyBlogLog is that it can help drive new users and traffic to your site.

5. select 10 different blogs that write about something that interest you and start reading and
commenting on them regularly. The goal is to establish real relationships with bloggers.
The more you link to other blogs within your own entries, the more bloggers will link-back to
you, thus helping you generate more and more traffic to your site.

6. Splash websites that link to you with traffic

7. Use powerful tools such as yahoo answers. It is a service Yahoo offers their community
members. People who have a Yahoo identity can visit Yahoo Answers and post questions for
other members of the community to answer. It is free.

III.How could your blog support your e-commerce web site and how can your
e-commerce website support your blog?

Use a blog for attraction and stickiness and use a traditional website for conversion.

Most websites tend to be more like “brochures” or “online shops” - they don’t usually get updated on a regular basis. Blogs, on the other hand, tend to be updated regularly. Use your blogs to direct traffic to your website and vice versa. Write about unique, short items on your blog - and point to a more comprehensive resource on your website. When you create good, unique articles on your blog, remind people about the products and services you also offer for sale on your website. Or, you can run a website that incorporates a blog section

1 comment:

LeM('',)Neko said...

Kris!! Come to my Blog and vote for your favourite sub this semester!! ^^
I made the Poll, just for fun :-D

We'll see which subject is no.1!!

Fa-rang baba borbor